
What I do if I know I need to get out the door fast

8th February, 2017

If I need to get me and the girls out door fast then preparation is key. Gone are the days when I could just grab my bag and walk out the door! When I need to be somewhere first thing in the morning then I have to get everything ready the night before, if I don’t it’s always a disaster and it never quite works out. I’m generally not the most organised person around so this is definitely something I trained myself to do.

One of the key things I do is make sure I have the baby bag packed up for Grace, Sophia’s essentials ready and have everything I need already in the pram so I just need to walk out the door. This saves me from having to run around trying to locate various things in the morning as I will inevitably not be able to find it. Plus this is often how I’ll find myself out and about and missing something crucial because I’ve forgotten to bring it with me. I also lay out the girls’ outfits the night before so I just have to dress them and I also plan what snacks I’m going to bring. I make sure the lunchbox is ready to go but I’ll often cut up anything perishable like fruits in the morning so it’s still fresh – I have to make sure I factor in time for this though!

If we’re going down to our family farm then this process becomes even more involved. Often I’ll drive down ahead of Luke so I don’t get stuck in traffic and this requires having to pack up the whole car and the girls and it ends up being quite a mission. To get around this I make sure I load everything into the car the night before so Luke is around to help in case I need him. I make sure to pack the pram, pack the girls’ bags and have their outfits ready to go so all I need to do is give them breakfast in the morning. We often bring food as well so I’ll do all my grocery shopping ahead of time so we have the right food for the kids and also Luke and I as well. I think when time is of the essence the more that can be done in advance the better otherwise it all ends up being a rather stressful experience which is definitely the last thing I need when I’ve got the girls in tow!

What are some of your tips for getting out the door fast when you have kids in tow?


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