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How to wear the elevated trouser

3rd September, 2022

There’s certainly something about the elevated trouser that’s captured fashion hearts everywhere. Perhaps its a response to the fact we’ve all been living in tracksuits and activewear over the last two years thanks to COVID, but there’s something nice about seeing a trend that just screams super stylish. And while the humble trouser may have definitely ticked the box as a classic piece, we didn’t necessarily categorise it as an edgy, on trend staple in seasons past. But this season, the latter. Thanks to fashion-ey people like Kendall Jenner and influencer Aimee Song who have been rocking the style and making it look so achingly cool, not to mention The Row who created one of the most copied looks of late, there’s only one thing that should definitely be high on any shopping list and it’s a beautiful pair of trousers. So, how can you wear it without veering into corporate territory?


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Layer it

Make like Aimee and adopt a cool casual approach to this look. If you want to throw yourself wholeheartedly into this trend, then you need to pair trousers with a tank and a button down shirt thrown casually over the top. It looks effortless, and boy does it tick all the style boxes.

Avoid clunky footwear

For a truly chic touch to this look, you need to embrace the right kind of footwear. The go-to style has been a simple, minimalist sandal whether it’s a heeled thong or a simple slingback.

Add a belt

Be sure to add a thin belt to this look to really tie it all together. A belt works beautifully to add a finishing touch, but just be sure to keep it quite sleek and streamlined as opposed to bold and chunky.

Tuck it in

The elevated trouser is all about maintaining an effortless, yet polished vibe. So when you’re pairing it with a top be sure to tuck it in to avoid the look looking sloppy. Whether it’s a cami, a t-shirt or tank, this is one case where tucked in is definitely the only option.

Pop on a jacket

A great jacket, particularly a blazer will have you looking super sharp. Opt for a long length, man-style blazer worn over the top of a tank and you have yourself the kind of look that will work for myriad occasions and embraces a confidently cool vibe.