As most mums know it’s an interesting ride ahead when you’re expecting. I couldn’t imagine life without Sophia now, but the lead up to having her was definitely a learning experience. Each expectant mum picks up a survival trick or two along the way, and this is what I couldn’t live without during my pregnancy…
Bio Oil
People in my family are quite prone to stretch marks so I was quite cautious with that from the very beginning and applied Bio Oil on my skin daily.
Gentle exercise
I wanted to stay active whilst pregnant so I continued doing Pilates throughout my pregnancy. I also did lots of long walks on the beach to get some exercise plus it’s not bad for relaxation too.
I shopped ASOS a few times to stock up on maternity basics. They have a really good pregnancy section so I bought a lot of pieces from them, plus online shopping is just so much more convenient when you’re pregnant.
Fish Oil
I found I was quite low in iron so to get an iron boost I took fish oil tablets.
Morning juices
I made/drank a lot of juices during my pregnancy. I was really cautious of getting getting the right vitamins and minerals and having the right amount of fruit and veg so I would have a juice in the morning. I’d just mix up whatever fruit and veg I had in the fridge and I also made sure to add a lot of superfoods such as kale into my juices to maximise the nutrients I was getting. If you’re constantly on the go throughout the day, it’s great to get a good dose of fruit and veg first thing in the morning.
Do you have a great pregnancy tip? Share them below!
Chicken burgers and toasters!
Apples- and I was never a big fan before but needed at least two a day. Still eat them as my work snack! Basic black, white and grey pieces- with lots of accessories! :)