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The list that will help you improve your style

21st June, 2023

It’s great to have a vision for something but it’s often the execution which can be the sticking point for many of us. So, it’s a great idea to write it down (a Harvard study actually found that the 3% of students who wrote their goals down ended up earning more than the other 97% combined) to help you hone in on what you want and visualise it. Actually putting pen to paper and writing your thoughts down makes it easier to achieve what you set out to do.

And while you’ve probably mapped out your goals for key areas like work, finance and health, I do find that taking the time to map out your sartorial goals will help you avoid fashion meltdowns, spend less and generally end up with a more wearable wardrobe. Ready to start? Here are the four key places I think it’s worth focusing on.


Ask yourself what you want to action when it comes to your wardrobe this year. Is it adopting a more minimalist approach? Is it shopping less? Is it avoiding wardrobe dilemmas first thing in the morning? The answers to these questions will help you define what you want to do fashion-wise this year. Once you know what you want to achieve, start breaking it down into actionable steps. So if you want to pare your wardrobe back, then schedule in a wardrobe decluttering session, then follow that up with organising your closet to keep the momentum going.


What are the things you want more of? Whether you simply want more time every day to drink your coffee instead of running around trying to get dressed for work, or that you want more flattering go-to pieces, this is the time to identify what it is that’s going to be your fashion mantra for the year. Look what what you want more of in your life when it comes to fashion. This will keep you in check when you want to buy something but it may not work within the context of the goals you’re trying to achieve, or help you direct your attention to something that will help you tick things off your list.

Having fashion list will help you with you to get to know your style

Being a more conscious consumer is something many of us are working on, so instead of buying non-stop it’s important to take a step back and pinpoint what you actually need—and also what you have in abundance already. So, if you’ve got five perfectly fine stripey tees, do you really need another? It’s also a great opportunity to pinpoint the things you might want to phase out of your fashion repertoire. Perhaps you had clung onto a particular style that no longer works for you? If so, now is the perfect time to start afresh.


I’m a firm believer in having a fashion hit list. Look at the things you’d really like to add to your wardrobe and note them down. This will help you from making impulse purchases and instead keep you focused on the things that you should direct your hard earned dollars towards. Would you rather save and buy that dream bag or waste it on smaller purchases that you may not really love for more than a season? Having a defined ‘want’ list will help you shop smarter and also work towards a more cohesive wardrobe.

What strategies do you currently use to help you navigate your wardrobe?