What are you up to at the moment?
Travel. Yoga. Work.
How did you get involved with Mix Apparel for Coles?
It started off as a regular modelling job for me after I was cast for one of their shoots late last year. Since then I’ve shot for them many times. I get along so well with the team and really love the product. As each shoot went on I’d get more and more involved. I was really stoked when I got the call from Chadwick [modelling agency] saying that Mix had asked if I’d consider being their face. I really like the brand so I jumped at it! It’s important to choose to stand by things you believe in… I genuinely enjoy the product.
What is your favourite piece from the collection?
In the current collection I really like the pastel colour denim pieces (pictured).
Do you do anything in particular in preparation for a photo shoot?
I face every day the same whether I’m working or not. That’s mean getting up, meditating, being positive, and bringing happiness to the day.
What do you miss the most when you are away from Australia?
My mum and friends.
What is the first thing you do when you get back home?
I will always go to a bikram yoga class to sweat out my jetlag. Then I catch up with friends.
Who are some of your favourite designers?
Mix Apparel is fantastic for basics and I stock up whenever I am in Australia, I also really like Camilla and Marc (pictured) and Sass & Bide. I am also really loving vintage clothing.
What are your wardrobe essentials?
Converse shoes (pictured). I love hats and it can add any funk to your outfit. And always Black, white and grey top’s… you know, the basics.
What are your travel essentials?
Whenever I travel I take my vitamins and my runners! I always love jumping in the ocean no matter what the weather so I always pack a bikini (pictured).
What is on your fashion ‘wish list’?
I always admire beautiful shoes and bags. It’s the only thing I really spend a lot of money on. There’s always a new bag on my wish list!
What is your most precious item you own?
The promise ring from my boyfriend [model Buck Palmer].
What is your beauty regime?
Lots of water! Beauty starts from the inside out. I always take a lot of Swisse vitamins and water. I wash my skin with water, and always use moisturiser.
What is your exercise regime?
Lots of yoga, lots of walking. I always mix it up; I’m currently into Thai boxing. Always staying active is very important to me.
What is one beauty product you couldn’t live without?
What are your must-have hair products?
Kevin Murphy products (pictured). They are the best.
Where is your favourite travel destination?
What is your all-time favourite movie?
Right now it’s Million Dollar Baby.
Do you have a secret talent?
It won’t be a secret if I tell you!
Mix Apparel Skinny Ankle Zip Jeans, Kevin Murphy hair products, Camilla and Marc dress, Lisa Marie Fernandez bikini, Converse limited edition diamante sneakers.
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