
How to ensure the longevity of your wardrobe

23rd September, 2023

Having a disposable approach to your wardrobe is never a good idea — it’s bad for your bank balance and bad for the environment. I think longevity is always something to keep top of mind when it comes to your wardrobe. Thinking in the long term will enable you to adopt an approach that ensures you care for your clothes appropriately to ensure they last, but also to shop in a more considered way. Here are a few great places to start…

Opt for quality

I think as a general rule it’s a good idea to aim for the best quality garment you can afford. By investing a little more at the start you can give yourself a good chance of having a piece for much longer than you would if you’d bought the cheapest thing you can find. Style isn’t about amassing the most clothes you can, but about taking a considered approach to how you dress, so you’re better off having a selection of very well made pieces that are always on high rotation than a closet heaving with options that you come back to only a handful of times and forget about.

Do damage control as soon as possible

We’ve become so accustomed to disposable fashion that many of us have forgotten how to look after our clothes. Always look at fixing shoes as soon as you see sign of wear and tear whether it’s a broken heel or a worn down sole that needs resoling. Even clothes that have a stain should be tended to immediately to avoid the mark becoming permanent. If you take the time to look after your clothes early on, you can keep them around for much longer.

Shop mindfully

It can be really easy to succumb to the pull of buying something when you’re in store or online on a whim, but I think it always pays to take a beat and think about the purchase before making it. Always consider what it’s going to work back with, how often you think you’ll wear it, and whether it’s something you’re going to wear for one season, or multiple seasons to come. If you need to, walk away from the shop or the computer, give yourself an allocated time to consider your purchase then go ahead with it if it’s something that you know you’re definitely going to use.

Clean your closet

I’m a big advocate of a regular clean out because once you see what you own you often realise just how much you have to work with. Also, it helps to identify gaps in your wardrobe. Schedule a clear out every six months and commit to doing it properly ie taking absolutely every single item of clothing or footwear out to see exactly what you have and what needs to go. Often seeing just the sheer volume of clothing at your disposal can ignite new outfit ideas, or make you think a little more about making a purchase.

Store your clothes properly

That means proper hangers (ditch the wire hangers – they’re really damaging to clothes) and folding/hanging things appropriately. I always fold knits for example so they don’t stretch, while padded hangers are great for things like jackets and coats. By actually taking a moment to consider how you’re storing you’re clothes, you can ensure they go the distance.

Buy things you LOVE

Keep this in mind whenever you shop. Do you absolutely love it? I think there’s something to be said for choosing pieces that you genuinely adore. Most of the time these are the pieces that you come back to again and again because they make you feel good when you’re wearing them. Ultimately, feeling confident in an outfit is one of the key things we should feel whenever we get dressed—and ensures a sartorial love affair that lasts.


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