
How to get a minimalist wardrobe

24th May, 2023

One of the best things about going into a boutique is just how amazing it feels to flick through the racks of a tightly edited collection. Being able to see everything at a glance, to have a certain level of airiness as you’re browsing is all part of the experience. And that’s also the beauty of having a minimalist wardrobe. Having a curated closet means that everything is considered, and that everything works well together. Doing this results in less wardrobe dilemmas and less stress in the morning as you’re not wading through piles of clothing trying to find something to wear. Also the funny thing with having less choice is that it often results in being able to pull more looks together. So, here’s how to get started.

Define your style

What’s your style? Confusion about what your personal aesthetic often makes it difficult to take a minimalist approach to your wardrobe simply because the parameters of what you can wear are just so big. By taking the time to define your style you’re more likely to be able to hone in on the pieces that definitely will and won’t work, in turn narrowing your closet down to the things that will get plenty of use.

Stick to a limited colour palette

Most brands will generally have a colour palette that they stick with for each collection, that’s also in keeping with the overall aesthetic of the brand. By adopting the same approach with your closet, you can narrow down the pieces that you own to certain hues that can easily be mixed and matched, which will then make it easier to pull looks together.

Edit, edit, edit

The beauty in having a minimalist wardrobe is that it allows you to narrow your entire closet down to pieces that you’ll a) get plenty of use out of and b) work well together. By having a limited selection of clothes you take being overwhelmed by choice out of the equation as you can see everything you own at a glance. When it comes to decluttering be brutal—only keep versatile, wearable pieces that you know you’ll be able to create multiple outfits out of.

Decluttering sessions are key to a minimalist wardrobe

Shop consciously

This should be everyone’s mantra not just for those who want to take a more minimalist approach to their wardrobe. Start thinking about purchases a little more strategically. By putting careful thought into every buy, not just mindlessly impulse purchasing, you’re able to ensure that your wardrobe works cohesively and that each item of clothing you own works harder.

Think classic

Trends are fun but classic pieces will have greater longevity. Pare your closet down to items that are wearable in multiple ways and styles that won’t date or go out of fashion. By editing your wardrobe to have pieces such as this, you’re able to have less clothes, but more outfits because everything will work just that little more cohesively and have more versatility.

Update seasonally

The great thing about a minimalist wardrobe is that you can be a little more measured in your approach to shopping. You can look at your closet seasonally and review what needs updating instead of constantly dipping your toe into trends that will only last a season.

Are you a minimalist when it comes to your wardrobe?

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