
How to wear a tracksuit in a chic way

5th May, 2021

Tracksuits were once the kind of thing that were strictly designated for wearing at home while relaxing on the couch. But that’s all changed. Recently it’s had a bit of a glow up and is a bonafide wardrobe must-have. For the sceptics among you, I totally get it— a tracksuit?! However banish the thought of the daggy, baggy trackies of old—the new incarnation is infinitely cooler, and way more stylish. This season, it’s about re-learning how to wear a tracksuit.

The key with wearing a tracksuit these days is how you style it—from what you pair it with to the kind of cut and fabric you choose. Either way, the best part is that’s it’s so incredibly comfortable to wear all day, so you can bookmark it for your WFH wardrobe quite easily. So, while anyone can rock a tracksuit, there are some important guidelines to remember so you’re on the right path to doing this trend right.

Match it

Matchy matchy is always a wining combo. Wear a top and bottom that are same colour ways and also go for the same material. For example the cord option I’m wearing above is a way to do a matching combination in a way that’s polished.

Consider your footwear

Think about the kind of shoes you pair with a tracksuit. Your outfit still needs to look put together if you want to achieve a look that’s on point. Although it’s a casual option don’t just throw on a pair of thongs—style it with chunky sandals or a nice pair of sneakers.

Go for the tuck

A jumper and tracksuit pant combination can sometimes look a little shapeless so you want to give it some shape elsewhere. I’ve found tucking it slightly in the front can be a great way to do this.

Choose great outerwear

If you want your look to tick all the style boxes make sure to go for a stylish jacket option. Adding a trench or an oversized denim jacket can make a tracksuit look more sophisticated/trendy and bring the entire outfit together.

What do you think—are you going to be doing the tracksuit glow up this season?

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