A brand new year means it’s time to take a good hard look at your wardrobe and pinpoint the things that you need to say goodbye to. Doing a big purge of your closet means that you’re left with the pieces that you’ll wear often and genuinely love, meaning less style dilemmas. Here’s what to consider ditching this year…
“Someday” clothes
If you’re still hanging onto things that you hope will fit sometime in the not so distant future it’s time to bite the bullet and toss them. If “someday” does come you can always make a few new additions to your wardrobe. In the meantime all those clothes are just taking up valuable real estate.
Clothes that don’t fit your lifestyle
If you’ve got a closet full of party dresses but you barely go out these days or you’ve got corporate clothes aplenty but have started working at a more casual office then perhaps it’s time to consider farewelling those pieces. You can always hang onto 2-3 favourites then donate the rest to charity.
Scuffed and worn shoes
Shoes that have seen better days are probably best retired. You want to always put your best foot forward (pun intended) and wearing footwear that looks tired doesn’t make a good first impression. If shoes can be re-soled or revived in some way then by all means go for it but if they can’t be salvaged then it’s time to bid them adieu.
Shoes that are uncomfortable
While we’re on the topic of footwear, if there’s a pair of shoes that leave you in agony every time you wear them which in turn means they hardly ever see the light of day then it might be time to retire them.
Underwear that you’ve had for years
Good undergarments are often where good outfits start so it pays to replenish your supply every so often. Ill-fitting bras that no longer offer support and underwear that’s faded or stretched are both good places to start.
Costume jewellery you never wear
Investment jewellery is an entirely different thing so it’s exempt from a wardrobe purge but inexpensive costume jewellery is fair game. I’m talking earrings that you only wore once, tarnished necklaces, or bracelets that are gathering dust are all things you can afford to farewell.
Anything that doesn’t fit right
Looking polished is all about wearing clothes that sit well. If you’ve got things in your closet that have never sat right then consider having them tailored. If they’re beyond the alterations stage, for example if you’ve already tried to have it fixed but it still doesn’t look right, then it’s a sure sign that you should probably let it go.
What are some things that you’re vowing to ditch from your wardrobe this year?
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