I can think of a number of pieces in my closet that I’ve had for what feels like forever. There are things I bought many years ago that are still going strong and getting used to this day and it’s because I followed the below criteria. It’s often when I venture away from this approach that I end up with purchases that I’ll have for a year or two but end up giving away in a closet purge down the track. The thing with a longevity shopping strategy is that you end up spending less because you’re not wasting money on things you’ll only have for a short time. You’re also likely have more wearable options as you will make considered purchases that align with how you truly like to dress—and ultimately have forever.
Opt for minimalist and classic
While I’m all for having fun with fashion, if you want a forever piece generally it’s going to be something that you won’t tire of seeing or wearing. For me, that requires simple silhouettes and classic hues that can be paired back with multiple things in my closet and that I can mix and match easily.
Stay true to your style
I think the pieces that have longevity are always the ones that stay true to your style and aesthetic. I’ve always found that the pieces I end up purging from my closet down the track tend to be the ones that didn’t quite work back with everything I already wore, or I ventured out from my usual repertoire and ended up with a piece that wasn’t aligned with how I dress. My look always tends to be polished, so if I stick to pieces that are within that realm, I’ll usually hang onto them.
Keep it considered
This is code for don’t impulse buy. I’ve rarely if ever ended up with a piece I bought on a whim sticking around in my closet for longer than a season or two. The things I’ve had for years, decades even, are the ones that I spent some time thinking about before I purchased it. This means looking at how I could wear it, what I could wear it with, and how much I actually loved it. If it’s not something I’m thinking about constantly or planning outfits with in my head before I buy it, it’s likely not going to last.
What are some of your strategies for buying pieces that you’ll have forever?
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